Cognitive and Behavioral Support

At Key Academy Prep, we honor each student’s unique way of learning through a holistic, multi-sensory approach to knowledge acquisition and retention. We guide each student along a path towards achieving their educational goals by creating an individualized, prescriptive treatment plan; leading the student to become an active learner, developing organizational and executive function skills, and reinforcing consistent and positive study habits.

Key Academy Prep is a licensed provider of Stronger Brains, which is an online program that targets the foundational neurocognitive skills that underlie mental health challenges and learning. The program packages proven neuroscience into gamified exercises that target and adapt to meet each child’s cognitive and mental health needs. 

Our product and scientific approach is supported by over 200 Peer Reviewed Studies and developed by recognized authorities in
neuroscience and mental health, led by world leading brain plasticity scientist and
UCSF Professor Emeritus, Dr. Michael Merzenich

Scientific Learning: Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant Plus

These evidence-based programs yield extraordinary results when used with efficacy. Through directed coaching and implementation, students can make one-to-two-year gains in overall reading levels in just 12 to 16 weeks.


Cogmed is the non-medicated approach to working memory issues that offers lasting results. It is the premier working memory training program available. Cogmed improves verbal working memory, visuospatial working memory, and attention–one of the main executive functions. It also helps with psychological deficits associated with ADHD.

As a Cogmed licensed practice, we set realistic goals with each student for program implementation and completion. Exercise and training graphs are supported with data that provide consistent and detailed progress reports. Beyond empirical data, ongoing praise and motivation are provided by the practitioner to promote goal achievement and mastery.

Behavior Intervention

We utilize a humanistic, respectful, and compassionate approach for addressing aggressive and non-compliant behavior, anxiety and adjustment challenges, and cultural adaptation. We also offer co-parenting domicile support, relocation adjustment, and behavioral assistance during school breaks.

Learning Without Tears

(Formerly: Handwriting Without Tears)

Developed by renowned occupational therapist, Jan Olsen, these program offerings address fine motor skill development, writing, and keyboarding skills.


The results are improved grades that lead to confidence, self-esteem, and a seeking spirit for inquiry and learning. Some students arrive to us struggling at school, feeling hopeless and defeated, and it is our unwavering commitment to their achievement and well-being that we create learning success stories one student at a time. Our prescriptive approach also addresses the needs of gifted students requiring academic rigor and enrichment for subsequent placement in Honors and IB programs, AP courses, and acceptance to prestigious academic summer programs.

Request Information

For over two decades, our staff has helped hundreds of students improve their study habits, comprehension, and test-taking skills. Our team is ready to help you!